Sunday, May 31, 2015

On the road again...

Much like last October, I've become a nomad. A roaming wanderer with travel in my soul.

Albeit, it's mostly work travel which consists of exploring conference centers and airports. But still! This month I have four consecutive trips and last night I just got home from my third. I have not done laundry in two weeks and am trying to summon the urge to throw in a few loads before I leave again day after tomorrow. But alas, I would rather blog. Laundry will always be there but memories must be captured.

The first in the series of trips was the Utah Library Association annual conference down in St. George, Utah. I road tripped and bunked with my friend Jessica (third from the right below) and got to hang with some of my very favorite library people.

Me, Marisa (BYU), Jessica (U of U), and Emily (UVU) at the worst fast food restaurant known to man, Culvers. Just keep driving. You've been warned. 
ULA is more of a networking conference for me and a chance to see the "State of the State" for Utah libraries. It caters to all librarians (public, school, academic, and special) so the sessions are all over the map from story-telling to teen literacy and rarely have anything to do with data librarianship per se. However, I do get to see who is making a difference in their area of librarianship, and I enjoy the more generalizable sessions on things like leadership and change management. I also get to hang out with awesome characters like these two nuts below.

Jessica and Dustin. My people. 
I also get to present a bunch at ULA. Here I am on a Wikipedia panel, encouraging librarians to embrace the most popular information resource in the world and making an unflattering face.

Don't be fooled by the empty chairs. This session was packed, people just hate sitting in the front. 
The Wikipedia panel
I also volunteered at the MWDL booth for old times sake. It was fun to fall back in the groove with the MWDL pitch.

In between work trips my family, the Bennetts, and the Fuenteses (Fuenti?) snuck off to Vegas for Memorial weekend with the kids. It was a great trip with awesome shows and pool time. Here are a billion pictures from my subpar camera and what Lenore calls my rotary camera (i.e. my trusty point and shoot)...

New York, New York arcade. We did not ride the roller coaster because we have raised a bunch of chickens and because the American Association of People Who Tell Pregnant Ladies What To Do warns against it. 
 A shot of Aidan slowly waking up in the hotel. I love his morning face.

Father of my children...

One of my favorite shots from our trip was Lenore snugging with Betty Lou in the Hard Rock pool. Lenore hates hugging and public displays of affection except when it comes to her kids. Then she becomes this snugging, kissing, squeezing puddle of affection. It's kind of funny to witness the dichotomy.

Robert, get your hand out of my shot! 

Wilson Ave kids walking the red carpet at Hard Rock. Jude looks like he belongs. The others, not so much, though I love to see their interpretations of "look cool." 

Dinner at Planet Hollywood

The adorable Fuenti. I am proud to have caught Abby mostly smiling. She usually hates when I take her picture. 

After the Jabbawockees show, which I highly recommend. 
During the course of our trip, we picked up some pool toys half-off at the grocery store. On camera, I think I can see why they were on sale. They look a little bit like something one might find at Hustler, no? Oh well, they kept the kids entertained for hours.

Insert obvious phallic reference here___________

El capitan Bennett showing off this season's neckwear. 

Why is Betty looking at me like that? She's supposed to love me. 


My tribe
Pool at the Luxor

Aidan being accosted by a chocolate at Hershey's World

It's a girl kisses! 

Children at the Tournament of Kings. Huzzah! 

Lenore, Betty, and Christine in the medieval realm.

Danny manhandling his chicken sans utensils
We are super lucky to have the friends we do. Lenore and Christine make me laugh so hard and they have awesome kids to be like siblings for Aidan. Lenore and Christine, here is my tribute to you...

After Vegas, I had to leave the next day for Kansas City. Want to know how many pictures I took in Kansas City? None. But I rocked the house with my data ownership presentation and saw Mad Max Fury Road and Pitch Perfect 2, which were both awesome.

Exhibit A - The Flaming Guitar
I just got home last night and leave again for Minneapolis on Tuesday. At least I get two consecutive nights in my own bed! Huzzah!

On a quick baby side note, just in case I don't get to update on that in the next few days, Ziggy is doing great. I'm twenty-one weeks and have been feeling her kick a bunch. My stomach is popping out but not in a way that strangers have commented on it yet. I feel 100% fine, and I am slowly accruing more baby stuff. I also have no place to put the baby stuff since downstairs is a construction zone and Aidan still lives in what will be the nursery. Considering hiring an au pair after my maternity leave ends. Going back for a 24 week ultrasound since they couldn't get clear shots of everything they needed at the 18 week ultrasound. Missing wine and coffee a little, but make up for it with mass amounts of chocolate.

Stay on the lookout for blog posts about Aidan's last week of third grade and how my parents are selling their house. That I grew up in. That they have lived in for FORTY-FIVE years. Craziness!


  1. That photo caught my attention on turned out cute! That's funny to see you really didn't like Culvers. The raspberry lemon icy drink thing was tasty, so I was satisfied. :)

    1. Emily, I tend to exaggerate on the blog. The food was fine, and the company was excellent!

  2. The trip pictures are great! Our three families are so lucky to have found each other. Now come back so we can start summer!

    1. I'm in Minneapolis Tuesday-Friday then home for the summer. Let the games begin!
