Monday, July 27, 2015

July recap and 30 weeks preggo

If you read my last post you might remember that I was worried about the size and growth of my baby. Good news, Ziggy is totally fine and has had a growth spurt since my 24 week ultrasound. At the 28 week ultrasound, she was in the 39th percentile with head, abdomen, and femur measurements all the the 30-40th percentile range. In typical Robert fashion, he was still worried. Percentiles for him almost always measure academic achievement and if one isn't in the 95th+ percentile of something, it is an immediate cause for concern. I assured him that Ziggy can still go to Harvard even if she's petite.

Besides, he has more immediate fish to fry. As of last weekend, Robert is 99% done with all his work in the basement. He is finishing the mudding and sanding this week, which means I get to paint Aidan's new room this weekend! We ordered all Aidan's new furniture, and his MineCraft and Zelda Triforce decals showed up for his walls today. Of course, I now have to grapple with whether or not it's safe for a pregnant lady to expose herself to toxic fumes in the name of home decor. I'm siding with yes so long as I don't start huffing paint recreationally, keep the room ventilated, and wear a mask. For any dissenters, that's what the comment area is here for.

Robert covered in drywall
Since the beginning of this pregnancy, the third question I always get asked -- after "When are you due?" and "Do you know the sex of the baby?" -- has been "Is Aidan excited about the baby?" After thirty weeks of pregnancy, I can say with all assurance, "Yes, Aidan is super excited about the baby." He may not tell you that if you ask him directly, but he does the MOST adorable things ever that let me know he is indeed excited.

Exhibit A: Every night before we read, he makes me lay on my side and gives me a pillow to put between my knees because I once told him it's better for the baby.

Exhibit B: One night he told me that instead of me reading to him, he wanted to read to the baby. He surrounded my stomach with stuffed animals and read the baby three stories: If You Give a Moose a Muffin, If You Take a Mouse to the Movies, and If You Throw a Pig a Party. It may have been the single cutest moment of my life.

Exhibit C: Aidan and I were watching a movie where the nine-year old sister died and the fifteen year-old-brother was dealing with her death (this gets more cheerful, I swear). Aidan looked at me with tears in his eyes and said, "I'm going to be a great big brother." You can't make this stuff up, people.

In pregnancy news, there's not much to report. The belly is getting bigger, I'm feeling more kicks and rolls, and I've noticed a slight uptick in the nesting vibe. This weekend, I cleaned out all the drawers in my bathroom, separated our baby books out from our big kid books, and created a schematic of the layout of the nursery. Perfectly normal stuff like that.

One thing that is different this time around is planning my maternity leave and eventual return to work. Of course, OF COURSE, September is shaping up to be my busiest month of work ever. I've already planned like eight different workshops and presentations, and each time I have to accept the invitation by saying, "Sure I can do it, IF I haven't gone into labor yet." I get slightly panicky just thinking about it. What if I haven't gone into labor, but I just feel horrible in September? What if I pass out during one of these workshops or my water breaks. How embarrassing. What if I put myself into early labor from overdoing it? Why is it that I can't say no to anyone, ever?

Okay enough of the worry. This has still been the easiest pregnancy in the history of pregnancies and there is no reason to think the last month will be any different. I just hope this baby stays put until my last report is filed and my last workshop is done. Because babies are SO accommodating that way.

For posterity, here are some of my favorite pictures from July:

Exploring the jetty with my family in San Juan Capistrano

Annual Tripp family vacation, 2015

The look of love at my 35th birthday dinner at El Adobe. 
Cousin basketball game

My nephew Tripp during the annual "dirt" eating extravaganza

Whale watching off the coast of San Juan Capistrano 
Cousins, whale watching and eating Ring Pops

More whale watching 
Whale spotted! Me, 28 weeks pregnant. 

Aidan's 10th birthday party

Wilson Avenue boys watching YouTube 
Blowing out the candles

Opening presents

Kids crowding in to watch Aidan open presents

Backyard camping at Lenore's house before Pioneer Day

Pioneer Day fireworks

Aidan camping and looking cute as a button. Please note the teeny, tiny lantern.

Pioneer Day parade

Aidan as Moroni

S'mores in Lenore's backyard
Another great month for the Cummings family!

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