I suspect if you found all my blog posts around the first half of March, they would all say the same thing. I'm tired of winter. This year, I'm feeling that "tired of winter" extra since we just got a huge amount of snow in the past week and I'm back to putting my kids in full snow regalia. Apparently Ashton rebelled at daycare yesterday and refused to put on his snow pants, which means he sat in the office during outdoor play time. I'm not even mad at him. I get it. I'm done too, buddy.
I had every intention on journaling my weight loss journey through winter, but a few things happened, some of which are already in the blog. My family caught covid. Legislative session. I started a new job. My basement flooded. Houseguests upon houseguests. There's always something. But I've still been able to lose a steady amount of weight. On January 1 I was 149 pounds. Today I'm 141, but I've been as low as 140. I still have not broken that 140 barrier, which I'm starting to think of as this impenetrable force. It's infuriating. I'm starting to feel a new surge of motivation though with impending trips and warm weather. We're going to Vegas at the end of this month, California next month, Mexico in June, Texas in July. Plenty of bathing suit and dress up opportunities.
Mostly though, I just want winter to go away. I am so ready for yellow flowers and warm air, muddy spring hikes, and budding trees.
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